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Table 6 Nei’s standard genetic distance (above diagonal) and pair wise FST significance (below diagonal) between the 21 korarima populations

From: Genetic structure and relationships within and between cultivated and wild korarima [Aframomum corrorima (Braun) P.C.M. Jansen] in Ethiopia as revealed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers

  1. +: Significant differentiation among the joint populations (P < 0.05)
  2. -: No significant differentiation among the joint populations (P > 0.05)
  3. Area shaded with gray color represents pair-wise comparison b/n cultivated population; the one shaded with red color represents pair-wise comparison b/n wild populations. The unshaded region is b/n cultivated and wild population. G_C1 = Gore_C1; MT_C1 = Mizan-Teferi_C1; MT-C2 = Mizan-Teferi_C2; Ma_C1 = Masha_C1; Ma_C2 = Masha_C2; B_C1 = Bonga_C1; B_C2 = Bonga_C2; B_C3 = Bonga_C3; M_C1 = Metu_C1; T_C1 = Tepi_C1; T_C2 = Tepi_C2; J_C1 = Jimma_C1; J_C2 = Jimma_C2; J_C3 = Jimma_C3; B_W = Bonga_W; Jg_W = Jimma-Gera_W; G_W = Gumero_W; J_W = Jimma_W; Ma_W = Masha_W; M_W = Metu_W; MT_W = Mizan-Teferi_W