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Fig. 2 | BMC Genetics

Fig. 2

From: Haynaldia villosa NAM-V1 is linked with the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm21 and contributes to increasing grain protein content in wheat

Fig. 2

Phylogenic tree of NAM-V1 and other NAC transcription factors from different species. Species abbreviations: Aegilops tauschii (Aet), T. turgidum (Tt), Hordeum vulgare (Hv), Oryza sativa (Os), Arabidopsis thaliana (At), Triticum timopheevii Zhuk (G). GenBank accession numbers: AtNAC3 (BAB20599), OsNP_912423 (NP_912423), TaNAC2 (AAU08786), OsABA91266 (ABA91266), OsABA95705 (ABA95705), TaNAC69 (AAY44098), AtNAC18 (NP_175696), AtNAC2 (NP_188170), AtNAC25 (NP_564771), OsNAC5 (NP_911241), HvNAM-1 (DQ869678), TtNAM-B2 (DQ869676), AetNAM-D2 (DQ869677), HvNAM-2 (DQ869679), TtNAM-A1 (DQ869672), AetNAM-D1 (DQ869675), TtNAM-B1 (DQ869673), NAM-G (AEI98797)

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