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Fig. 1 | BMC Genetics

Fig. 1

From: Rare sex or out of reach equilibrium? The dynamics of F IS in partially clonal organisms

Fig. 1

Schematic overview of the mathematical model (example for two alleles). In a dominantly diploid population of fixed size N, the number of individuals/ramets q with a certain genotype (here aa, aA, or AA) at a particular locus, observed at generation t, and the corresponding genotype frequencies ν = q/N may change due to mutation (here symmetrical from a to A and from A to a with rate μ; see Eq. 1), reproduction (random mating at rate 1 − c; see Eqs. 2 and 3) or genetic drift (modeled by multinomial drawing of N individuals from the genotype frequency distribution; see Eq. 4), until observation at the next generation

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