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Table 1 Statistical tests and analyzed data

From: Filtering genetic variants and placing informative priors based on putative biological function


Marker data

Data set

Statistical tests



Almeida et al [36]



Family study

Single-variant regression in SOLAR

Smoking, BP medication, PC1-3, sex, age, age2, sex*age, sex*age2

Real SBP and DBP at first time point, own simulated trait for H0

Liu et al [37]


Chr3: GWASmp and sequence

Unrelated individuals (from family study)

Regress pairwise DBP residual difference and sum on IBD sharing status; sequence data analyses by SKAT-O

Sex, age, smoking, PC 1-3

Real DBP at first time point

Kim and Wei [27]



Family study

Informative SNV weights in burden test T5 and SKAT; with R: seqMeta

Age, sex, smoking, BP medication

Real SBP at earliest available measurement

Zhang et al [28]


Exome sequence

Unrelated individuals (large Hispanic sample)

LRT, C-α, CMC on informatively weighted SNV burden


Simulated HT status; real SBP, DBP with cutoffs for case-control status

Malzahn et al [30]


Sequence and GWASmp

Family study

SKAT with R (coxme, kinship2, QuadCompForm); strategies for joint testing of rare and common SNVs

Sex, age, sex*age; subjects not on BP medication

Real and simulated SBP at first time point

Ho et al [33]


Sequence and GWASmp

Family study, including gene expression data

Seq-aSum-VS burden test; regression on gene expression data; gene set enrichment analysis


Average real SBP and DBP

  1. BP blood pressure, Chr Chromosome, CMC Combined multivariate collapsing, DBP diastolic blood pressure, GWASmp genome-wide association study marker panel, HT hypertension, IBD identity-by-descent, LRT likelihood ratio test, PC principal component, SBP systolic blood pressure, SKAT sequence kernel association test, SNV single nucleotide variant, Seq-aSum-VS sequential sum