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Table 9 Model selection for absolute growth using a backwards step-wise procedure.

From: The influence of gene-environment interactions on GHR and IGF-1 expression and their association with growth in brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill)


Absolute growth


Log likelihood



Growth ~Env + Sex + EBV·Env + EBV·Sex +Env·Sex +EBV·Env·Sex (1)



   ~Env + Sex + EBV·Env + EBV·Sex +Env·Sex (2)


1 vs. 2


   ~Env + Sex + EBV·Env + EBV·Sex (3)


2 vs. 3


   ~Env + Sex + EBV·Env (4)


3 vs. 4


   ~Env + Sex (5)


4 vs. 5


  1. Progressively simpler models are subsequently defined by removing terms from previous models beginning with interaction effects (e.g. 1 vs. 2). Nested models were tested evaluated using likelihood ratio tests to select the most parsimonious model. The reported p-values correspond to results of the likelihood ratio tests wherein a value greater than the nominal level of significance (α = 0.05) indicates that removal of the model term does not increase model deviance significantly. The final, parsimonious model that was selected is indicated in bold characters (Env = environment, EBV = EBV group).