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Figure 1 | BMC Genetics

Figure 1

From: Multivariate linkage analysis using the electrophysiological phenotypes in the COGA alcoholism data

Figure 1

Two-point linkage analysis. The y-axis shows the negative of the natural logarithm of p-values. Curves a, b, and c are from SOLAR for ecb21, ttth1, and ttth2 data, respectively. Curve d is from our model with a constant s(t) using both ecb21 and ttth1. Curves e and f are for ecb21, ttth1 and ttth2 together, where both assume s(t) as a constant function; e assumes the same environmental covariance between any two phenotypes and f assumes different environmental covariance between any two phenotypes. Curve g is for ecb21, ttth1, and ttth2 together, assuming s(t) as a linear function and different environmental covariance between any two phenotypes.

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