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Figure 5 | BMC Genetics

Figure 5

From: Copy number polymorphisms near SLC2A9 are associated with serum uric acid concentrations

Figure 5

The association of CNP haplotypes with uric acid levels is independent of genome-wide significant SNPs. Genotypes at rs7675964 and rs6449213 were phased with CNP-9 Mb and CNP-10 Mb. Subjects were stratified into three allelic haplotypes (column labels) for which there was variation in the CNP haplotypes (y-axis labels). The pair of CNP haplotypes given by H2: - - 0 - - 1 - - H1: - - 0 - - 1 - - is the reference group for each regression. Likelihood ratio tests for the CNP haplotypes are statistically significant for women with allelic haplotypes H2: - - a - - a - - H1: - - a - - a - - ( χ 4 df 2 =14.3,p=6.3×1 0 - 03 ) and marginally significant for both men and women with allelic haplotypes H2: - - a - - a - - H1: - - b - - b - - ( χ 4 df 2 =9.05,p=0.0599). CNP haplotypes are not associated with uric acid concentrations among H2: - - a - - a - - H1: - - b - - a - - subjects ( χ 2 df 2 =2.06,p=0.357), though the sample size for this cohort is small and the effect size among the 66 women is comparable to the effect size in the much larger H2: - - a - - a - - H1: - - b - - b - - and H2: - - a - - a - - H1: - - a - - a - - subgroups.

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