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Figure 4 | BMC Genetics

Figure 4

From: LD2SNPing: linkage disequilibrium plotter and RFLP enzyme mining for tag SNPs

Figure 4

Output sample of LD measurement information. (A) Clicking on the box of the 2D-LD plot shows all LD-related information. SNP10-distance.xls in example file folder of LD2SNPing software is used as an example. Upon clicking the box of interest, such as the Box (SNP5 vs. SNP2) in Figure 3A (indicated by arrow line), the text data of this pair of SNPs for LD-related information is provided such as D, D', r2, δ Q , ρ, Chi-square and likelihood-ratio P values, and the SNP and haplotype frequencies. (B) Output for LD-related values. Here, the D' value is shown as a representative example; other values are shown in the user manual. This file belongs to a WordPad file which is saved for output LD measurement data. It can be opened by WordPad and Microsoft Word.

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